The mission of Alamo Trust, a local non-profit arts organization, is to preserve the Alamo, the Shrine of Texas Liberty, and bring its own unique story to life—to inspire visitors and honor all those who lived, fought, and died there. Alamo Trust is contracted with the State of Texas to run the day-to-day operations and staff at the Alamo and realize the Alamo Plan, a multi-year redevelopment effort. In addition, Alamo Trust offers daily activities such as entrance to the historic Alamo Church and Long Barrack, school visits, a Living History encampment and demonstrations, educational films, and special exhibits, all free of charge. Alamo Trust has a nine—member Board of Directors, with approximately 100 employees, volunteers, and interns.
Key Successes:
- Increased efficiencies due to technology
- Competitive rates
- Generous employee benefit options